Friday 4 February 2011

Just me reviewing my previous Tweet relatedness!

Hey Guys and Dolls,

The dream to be a down to earth honest movie writer seems to come to an abrupt end! Not sure what happened. Life has been life changing, I am now situated in Nottingham which is really nice and cheaper too. I do miss London but its become so over crowded now that it got me easily stressed each day and I thought dying from stress would not be nice for me! But I'm not counting out doing more reviews, will do something soon but its not going to be frequent like video reviewers we all see on youtube and sites.

As you probably guess, I'm on Twitter quite a lot, more than Facebook now. I'm still with Facebook as I have old friends I haven't seen for years...and I mean over 10 - 15 years! So must stay connected now which is no problem to me!

So looking back on my previous insanity on Twitter...

I spoke quite a lot about Sting going to WWE, a video came around on WWE television, just out of no where, a video with sound effects, faintly sounded music and a date referring to 21/2/11 (which is a day AFTER the Elimination Chamber Event). You can view the youtube video here:
Here are my thoughts...People need to be careful what they wish for, I believe 99% wish it was Sting and not Undertaker. The way it is now, Sting is still on the TNA roster list though he is a free agent. Unless WWE have been tight lipped with the situation, its worked. However they must be careful how they treat the situation, we come to this day, its 21/2/11, everyone in the crowd has painted black/white or red/black faces, the moment comes and its Undertaker. How do you think the crowd is going to react? Think about this. You don't want to piss a few fans off do you, or worse have some of your top legion of fans defect to TNA just for Sting. Wouldn't look good to you. Anyway lets wait for a little while longer, more clues in the video may surface. I would love to see Sting, he would get inducted to HOF very quickly, if he signs a one year deal then fair enough. But for now I'm going with my follower the Deadman for now!

2010 was a great year for video games, I got God of War 3, Fifa 11, Call of Duty but my game of the year for that year is hands down to Red Dead Redemption, western style games are here to stay! Fingers crossed for a follow up (not talking about the Undead edtion). Will 2011 be great? Well there's Mortal Kombat, Marvel vs Capcom 3, Batman Arkham City and probably the most important game of this year...Duke Nukem Forever. I have never been this hyped for a game since Half Life 2. If it does what it says and releases on May 6th, then this is awesome cause for those been living in a cave. Us Duke Nukem fans have waited for 12 years for this game to get released, this was back in 2001 when a trailer got us hyped. I remember sending the trailer to my brother who was studying in Guildford back then. Heres the link to the old trailer, By the way, the music KICKS serious ASS! I got this on my Ipod!
Graphics look a little outdated now but it meant to us Duke fans back then!
AND NOW: check out the newest trailer...
What a great choice of song! Love Prodigy. I seriously think this is going to be awesome, love how they joke about its long release date as well. Hopefully some classic one liners will be in the game! Its gonna be a great day on May 6th! Hopefully I'll get a quick review when its out!
I'll just this one out the way, I heard some positive things about the new Nintendo 3DS, I'm not quite tempted to get one just yet, I need to see it to believe it, but it does need some serious games to get me convinced from Mario Bros and Zelda and such.

As some people might know I'm a huge Amon Amarth fan. Every album has been a masterpiece and great expectation. SO when they streamed their newest song for their upcoming album. I almost pissed myself with excitement. I had to run home after work so I could watch it via wi-fi. Oh my, I can't stop playing this, its a really awesome song to get you in the mood. The song is called "War of the Gods"
Love the guitars and drums in this! Of course I've preordered the new album, this time I gone ultimate and got the CD/DVD and figure combo! Again much with Duke, I'll get you a review as soon as its out but I'm dead excited.
My future in music will always be with Metal no matter how much Rap/hip hop take over the world. You can't kill metal fans! So we need future. So I'm paying tribute to UK Thrash Metallers Evile! Since being discovered from Huddersfield, theres no stopping them!! I've seen them twice (once at Sonisphere 2010). I hope for them to feature in bigger arenas one day! There are two albums by them, BUY THEM! You will not be disappointed! There are talks of a 3rd album but nothing been surfaced yet but I'm sure it will kick serious balls to the walls! I'll be seeing them again on February 12th at Nottingham Rock City. I'm now following Ol Drake on twitter, and he's followed me back :-D
Evile are the future and I would love this to happen, Slayer do a tour, they come to the UK, they should be supported by EVILE! OMG: the best concert guaranteed! I would so go to every show support them all the way! Make that Happen!!

I'm going to end this soon but I would like to thank everybody from Facebook, Twitter, text messages whatever. Thank you for being supportive to me last month as I lost a stone in weight. I'm still going with it!
Just remember Valentines Day is coming, whether you like the event or not, you should still be with your loved one if its your partner or family member.

I'll try and make a weekly thing of this!

Thanks for reading!

Odie the Fanatic One!